September 17, 2007

Life is Good

You have no idea how happy I am right now!! I have been trying to pay off all my bills and become debt free by the end of the year, but things have kept happening...

I have found that if I don’t keep strict records of my spending, I end up in the hole. Every week.

So, I’ve came up with a budget for myself that has helped immensely, but....October is coming! The month when I owe money for my Compassion International child again, have car insurance to pay, was needing to buy a new car (long story short: Oma was gonna buy mine so she’d have one in Texas).

In the past month I’ve been wondering how I’d make all this work, in addition to taking some mini-trips (MI to see Kristina, back to SD, Nashville, possibly NYC, TX to visit Opa & Oma), but after talking with my cousin and then Oma, I am greatly relieved to have the thoughts of having car payments again erased from my mind!

Maybe I will start a savings account...

Life is good!

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