September 02, 2007

We're Back!

Made it back safely form the retreat - without killing anyone!!!

There were a ton of frustrations, but everything works out, and we are now planning for next year, to make everything go smoother! (If anyone wants to lend any tips, that would be awesome!) We did have an over abundance of most food, but for the 10 loaves of bread that were finished in 2 meals and the 2 dz that were pretty much finished the first morning!

I am now the proud owner of a passport! World, watch out! When I become independently wealthy (like Kristina) I will be there!! (LOL!!!)

Next time you see Zoe, ask her about Rice Krispies and wood. ;-) I will tell that story later, along with the water balloons and smooshing in a truck for a road trip with a crazy person (who we all know and love!) and some other stories. But for now i feel (much better after finally getting clean!) like going to bed or watching a movie, maybe going thru the 550 pictures I took this weekend and get them ready for Flickr...

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