Could I just sit here a while
Know that there’s nothing that I need to say
Safe in the knowledge that You know my ways
Love me completely no need to hide a thing
Could I just stay here a while
Letting You melt away all of my fears
I feel Your comfort when You are so near
I’ll hide myself in this shelter You’ve made for me
Could I
Could I
Could I just kneel here a while
Doing what I was created to do
Bowing in reverence I long to adore You
Willingly giving all that I can surrender
Could I just rest here a while
Letting You whisper my burdens away
In all of my journeys there’s no other place
Where I find refuge strength for my weary heart
What do I do when I get overwhelmed and nervous about an upcoming event? I make lists. Lots of them. and guess what? I fly out for New Zealand in 20 days. TWENTY!! That is craziness. I kinda thot it would not come so quickly, but yet it’s coming faster and faster! What to do, what to do!! Answer: MAKE LISTS!! I have 8 started. 3 more that I’m working on right now. 4 completed. And a few more that I will start tomorrow. Thots and questions swirling around in my head making me crazy!! I like lists! They keep the craziness in some form of organized mess. Yikes! Lists are good. Yup!
The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo. (hee!)
Tigers have striped skin as well as striped fur.
The average person falls asleep in seven minutes. (How I wish I could be ‘average’ in this aspect of my life!!!)
A rat can last longer without water than a camel. (ewwwww)