October 31, 2005

A Poem...

*A friend forwarded this to me at work*
A drunk man in an Oldsmobile
They said had run the light
That caused the six-car pileup
On 109 that night.
When broken bodies lay about
And blood was everywhere,
The sirens screamed out eulogies,
For death was in the air.
A mother, trapped inside her car,
Was heard above the noise;
Her plaintive plea near split the air:
Oh, God, please spare my boys!"
She fought to loose her pinned hands;
She struggled to get free,
But mangled metal held her fast
In grim captivity.
Her frightened eyes then focused
On where the back seat once had been,
But all she saw was broken glass and
Two children's seats crushed in.
Her twins were nowhere to be seen;
She did not hear them cry,
And then she prayed they'd been thrown free,
Oh, God, don't let them die!"
Then firemen came and cut her loose,
But when they searched the back,
They found therein no little boys,
But the seat belts were intact.
They thought the woman had gone mad
And was travelling alone,
But when they turned to question her,
They discovered she was gone.
Policemen saw her running wild
And screaming above the noise
In beseeching supplication,
Please help me find my boys!
They're four years old and wear blue shirts;
Their jeans are blue to match."
One cop spoke up, "They're in my car,
And they don't have a scratch.
They said their daddy put them there
And gave them each a cone,
Then told them both to wait for Mom
To come and take them home.
I've searched the area high and low,
But I can't find their dad.
He must have fled the scene,
I guess, and that is very bad."
The mother hugged the twins and said,
While wiping at a tear,
He could not flee the scene, you see,
For he's been dead a year."
The cop just looked confused and asked,
Now, how can that be true?"
The boys said, "Mommy, Daddy came
And left a kiss for you."
He told us not to worry
And that you would be all right,
And then he put us in this car with
The pretty, flashing light.
We wanted him to stay with us,
Because we miss him so,
But Mommy, he just hugged us tight
And said he had to go.
He said someday we'd understand
And told us not to fuss,
And he said to tell you, Mommy,
He's watching over us."
The mother knew without a doubt.
That what they spoke was true,
For she recalled their dad's last words,
I will watch over you."
The firemen's notes could not explain
The twisted, mangled car,
And how the three of them escaped
Without a single scar.
But on the cop's report was scribed,
In print so very fine,
An angel walked the beat tonight on Hwy. 109

October 30, 2005

Unloween Pictures

There were some crazy, inventive, cool, awsome costumes at Kristina's Unloween Party last night...here are a few....the rest are on Flickr.

October 29, 2005

Oomp Loompa

In 8 days Charlie and the Chocolate Factory comes out on DVD!! I am looking forward to gleefully eating Oompa Loompas while I watch it for the....8th time!

October 28, 2005

Undecided Title

Today's mutterings focus on...cheese. Or not...this subject is far too sensitive right now!

YAY! I finally got everyone who had a say to OK a huge project at work...just in time to send it off to the printers and go home for the weekend! Too bad if they think of anything else to change!!! 'Nuf said on this...on to bigger, better things! :-)

Right now, I am going to copy some friends and thank some awesome people in my life right now...

Katie - I cannot express in words how much Kat means to me. We have grown up together, thru the hard and good times, thru thick and thin. We have the kind of friendship that grows stronger with time and thru each heartache. Our friendship is golden and can never be replaced, discarded, or replicated.

Deb - Oh! Deb!! Deb is so funny and outgoing and...just completely extraordinary. Shereaches out and draws people into her. Deb accepts me as I am, with all my flaws and weirdness and...

Heidi - It's so great to dream together! We talk every week for hours and never run out of things to say...I usually say goodnight after 11 when I have to get up for work the next day. Heidi is incredible! Sometime, I will make it to Michigan to visit, Chica!!!

Jen - Jen is so amazing. She is one of the...3 people I have 'clicked' with in my entire life. I always wanted an older brother, but I got something much much better - and older sister!

Aunt Judy - Always have I looked up to Aunt Judy...Even tho I shouldn't have a favorite aunt, Aunt Judy most definitely is my favorite. But so much more than a favorite aunt, she is one of my favorite people in the whole world. She inspires me to be a better person. Her opinion is important to me. She teaches me to be more giving. By comparison, I fell oh-so selfish next to her. I miss the times when we would go out to eat and visit - just the two of us. We should do that soon!

FYi - if I ever tell you "You crack me up!" it is a HUGE complement!!

October 27, 2005


Saw this driving to WalMart to finally get some pictures! 'Nuf Said.

Foggy Dayz

Foggy Dayz. I really like 'em. They always alter the well-known
scenery (almost to a point of dreariness) and lend it a mysterious look!

October 26, 2005


Seems like I am Lamentations...I really like this book, too.
Lamentations 3:19-26 - Remember to hope!

You are Lamentations
You are Lamentations.
Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

22,470 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 314,571 times.
7% of people had this result.

A funny sidenote - Mom didn't notice my car outside when she left at 8 am...
I've been home sick. Ah! The rest, the quite time, the not dealing with customers.
It will be good to get back to work tomorrow, tho!!!

October 25, 2005

Fun Times

This past weekend Nate and his friend Abe came for a visit! YAY! This is the weekend in a (very small) nutshell, with links to the pictures. If you want more details, email me! OH! The goods times we had, all the laughs and jokes and...just everything!!
They surprised Deb and I at Deb & Katie's Friday night...when the garage door opened I figured it was Nate, but I never expected Nate would be in his Gorilla costume!!!
The next day, a group of us gathered at D&K's for a late, great breakfast and headed out to the Battle Creek Park close to there. It was beautiful out!!
After that, most of the people had other places to go and the rest of us went to MOA for some fun. We ate at Kokomo's Island Cafe and tried on stuff at the Cowboy Store, among other things.
Sunday, the girls (Deb, Katie and I) went to Marcus' (where Nate & Abe were staying), made lunch and buttered up Nate (I believe Abe had been buttered up the night before) before heading off to Jenni's concert (which was AWESOME!) Then we went to Coldstone (brrrr) and then to church, where after we ... had to say goodbye to Nate and Abe. :-(

October 20, 2005

Oma's Garden

My grandma always has the greatest looking garden - even now!

Erik Peter Bleumon

My joke has reached fruitation! I got a few friends believing I actually had a real live boyfriend! (So, Chica - you weren't the only one!!)
Last weekend Marcus picked up a boyfriend for me while he, Katie and Jenni were shopping in Albertville...

Some true facts about this guy:
Name: Erik Peter Bleumon.
He's cold and slimy.
6.75" at full height.
Jessica said he is beautiful. But Pastor John was grossed out by him. (there's a whole 'nother story behind Jess thinking Erik's beautiful...but we'll leave that for some other time!)
He's way short. I can sit and still be taller than him - when he's standing on the chair!!
He's too quiet - never says a word. Not even "Hi!"
He is very dependant on his 'girlfriend' (which I guess would be me...)
Some of the girls really liked that he has muscles...but his legs don't work, so I have to carry him everywhere (see what I mean about being too dependant?)
He fits in my teeny purse.
One major difficulty is that he doesn't breath.

October 19, 2005

Color Happy

I find myself being thankful for color today.
How boring would life be if everything was the same color???

October 18, 2005

April Fool's

I like pulling pranks...I don't do them often, but I really enjoy the ones I do.

Picture Perfect

Flickr likes me again!!! I think my dial-up web just doesn't like to upload the printable files, so they are only viewable...or something like that!!!

Here are the links:
Bonfire @ Owen's
My cousins always put on awesome Fall Bonfires! Here is the first one (I think) of this fall!

Progressive Dinner
Lots of good food, visiting with friends, and seeing 4 new abodes! Very awesome night of fun!!

I got to hang out with Hailey Ezra and Gretchen during church...when we went down to the service for awhile Sammy and Hailey played nice!!!

Banfill Locke
It was such a beautiful afternoon for a walk thru a park! I haven't been to Banfill since I was about 12 - when I took my last art class...I still can't draw anything better than a doodle!

October 17, 2005

Fall Is Upon Us

Today my mom and I went to Banfill Locke to see the fall foilage and whip out our cameras to remember the gorgeous day...pictures will be on Flickr sometime, but I am cutting down on my web time and the uploader for Flickr isn't liking me right now. I will post a link when they are up!!!

October 16, 2005


Well, this weekend has been eventful. There was a bonfire at Josiah's Firday night, Progressive Dinner at Jessica's, Heather & Amy's, Luke & Kari's, and Mark & Nick's Saturday night and church tonight. Sometime I will upload pictures of everything, but for now...Filckr doesn't seem to like me. Nothing uploads...
A couple things that I have been pondering for the past several weeks, but have had no brain power to write about them yet once I get home from work:
What makes a good church?
What is the difference between 'secular' and 'christian' music? Why do people make such a big deal about it?

October 15, 2005


My cousin Kristina is having an Unloween party. We all get together and dress in awesome costumes and eat too much food and generally act quite goofy.
Tonight (or this morning - however you look at it) Deb and I have been thinking up crazy good costume ideas, so when we go thrifting we have plenty to look for!!

Here are some our ideas:
Hippie or Gypsy - mix & match anything from your closet!
Cowboy/girl - hat, boots, jeans - YeeHaw!
Princess - get a tierra and wear that bridesmaid dress that's been sitting in the closet!
Prisoner - Steve & Barry's have these orange t-shirts that have a prisoner number on!
Military Person - at thrift stores, this is usually very easy to get, and for pretty cheap, too!
Rock Star - please: NO SPANDEX!!!
Snowman - wear white and tons of glitter with an orange nose and mittens and scarf!
Goth - for those who love wearing black
Zorro - this is also black, but ya get a mask, too!
Farie - glittery white with wings and a wand.
Little Girl - pigtails and an outfit only little girls could get away with wearing
Indiana Jones - think brown and adventure!
Nun - hot...as in sweaty hot. not something to make a habit of!!
Little Old Lady - a purple wig with curlers, a too-big dress and stockings sagging at the ankles.
Cat - to purr or not to purr? and whiskers and a tail!
Bunny - bunny ears, here we come!
Einstein - a crazy white wig and lab coat
Valley Girl - like, oh my goodness, no way!
Angel - white and wings and halo. what fun!
Character from Matrix - all leather, trench coat. Deb found the perfect outfit for this, but it cost too much.
Chef - chef's hat and funny looking food.
M&M - oh so tasty, but watch out! people might try to eat you...
Pirate - argh, matey! this one would be fun!
Gangster/Mafia - something looks suspicious here!!
Coffee addict - carry around a coffee mug looking lost and wondering where the coffe pot is.

Now I am looking forward to bed, so adios!

October 14, 2005

"Patience is a virtue, waiting won't hurt you..."

"...Grandma." So says Benny from The Bugs. The Bugs crack me up. My favorite 'episode' (?) is the Snowman Kickers, where Benny built a snowman and someone knocked it down and Bernie gives Benny advice on how (or rather where) to rebuild his Snowman. There are only 3 characters that I've ever heard: Bernie and Benny Bug  (brothers) and Bradley (their cousin). Maybe Roger (Benny's friend) is in there sometimes - I currently forget. You would like to feel badly for Bradley, but Bradley's so bratty to Benny that he retaliates and Bernie has to make peace between the two. (As when Benny puts Bradley's gum in the fish tank cuz Bradley hit him with a water balloon when they where on 'time-out'.
Sorry, I am stir crazy right now waiting, waiting...always waiting.
I am waiting today for a couple pictures so I can finish a brochure and check another project off my Needed-Last-Month list. Yay! I am having patience issues about the needed pictures this week...but Jim is having patience issues getting the (correct) labels he needs to actually take the pictures, so we are waiting together...doing other stuff to fill our days until patience is needed no longer and we can celebrate the end of another large project and life can get back to normal.
I will stop now and find some other work to do!!

October 13, 2005


It's amazing how much I depend on my car (to have fun...and otherwise). And how much I really really miss my keys right now...no breakfast for me! It's all locked up in my desk at work, the key to which is at the shop cuz my car needs lots a work done, and they were s'posed to have it done last night, so I didn't worry about giving them my whole key chain...until this morning when I went to make myself a cup of hot Russian Tea. blahumbug.
So, as I was saying...I was talking with Jen last night and we were kinda making plans for me to meet her for supper tonight before she had to do the tours at Target Plaza for Art on the Town...until I remembered that I had no car. So, I decided I would just drop off the apple crisp I saved for her at her house...but yet, I have no car!!! So not even that will happen tonight! sigh.
Cars - can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

October 11, 2005

Peanuts & Gummi Bears

Bob had a great post about Gummi Bears! Quit funny.
I got this quiz from Jen Madvig's blog...made me laugh!
R080 might like this one - he likes Linus a whole lot! (don't know if he'd be like him, tho!)

You are Schroeder!

At the Library

At the library today I saw the first guy librarian I'd ever seen.
I always thought that librarians were grandmas who needed something to fill their time.
I guess I was wrong. Cool.
I also got lost in the parking lot....when I got back outside, there were 3 (count them -- THREE!) Silver Blue Saturns with blue dolphin air freshners hanging from the rear view mirror in a row and my keypad thingy wasn't working...mine was the last one in the row (hid behind a SUV). Sigh. I was glas to go home...
28 days to the Chocolate Factory! WOO HOO!

October 10, 2005

It's Toast!

If Oracle made toasters... They'd claim their toaster was compatible with all brands and styles of bread, but when you got it home you'd discover the Bagel Engine was still in development, the Croissant Extension was three years away and that, indeed, the whole appliance was just blowing smoke.

If Hewlett-Packard made toasters... They would market the Reverse Toaster, which takes in toast and gives you regular bread.

If IBM made toasters... They would want one big toaster where people bring bread to be submitted for overnight toasting. IBM would claim a worldwide market for five, maybe six toasters.

If Xerox made toasters... You could toast one-sided or double-sided. Successive slices would get lighter and lighter. The toaster would jam your bread for you.

If Radio Shack made toasters... The staff would sell you a toaster, but not know anything about it. Or you could buy all the parts to build your own toaster.

If Thinking Machines made toasters... You would be able to toast 64,000 pieces of bread at the same time.

If Cray made toasters... They would cost $16 million but would be faster than any other single-slice toaster in the world.

If the Rand Corporation made toasters... It would be a large, perfectly smooth and seamless black cube. Every morning there would be a piece of toast on top of it. Their service department would have an unlisted phone number and the blueprints for the box would be highly classified government documents. The X-Files would have an episode about it.

If the NSA made toasters... Your toaster would have a secret trap door that only the NSA could access in case they needed to get at your toast for reasons of national security.

If Sony made toasters... The ToastMan, which would be barely larger than the single piece of bread it is meant to toast, can be conveniently attached to your belt.

If Timex made toasters... They would be cheap and small quartz-crystal wrist toasters that take a licking and keep on toasting.

If Fisher Price made toasters... 'Baby's First Toaster' would have a hand-crank that you turn to toast the bread that pops up like a jack-in-the-box.

If Microsoft made toasters... Every time you bought a loaf of bread, you would have to buy a toaster. You wouldn't have to take the toaster, but you'd still have to pay for it anyway. Toaster '02 would weigh 15,000 pounds (requiring a reinforced steel countertop), draw enough electricity to power a small city, take up 95% of the space in your kitchen, would claim to be the first toaster that lets you control how light or dark you want your toast to be, and would secretly interrogate your other appliances to find out who made them. Everyone would hate Microsoft toasters, but nonetheless would buy them since most of the good bread only works with their toasters.

If Apple made toasters... It would do everything the Microsoft toaster does, but five years earlier.

October 09, 2005


Originally uploaded by Kanido.

Wonderful Quotes from my new favorite movie:

Mike Teavee: Who wants a beard?
Willy Wonka: Well, beatniks for one, folk singers and motorbike riders. Y'know. All those hip, jazzy, super cool, neat, keen, and groovy cats. It's in the fridge, daddy-o! Are you hip to the jive? Can you dig what I'm layin' down? I knew that you could. Slide me some skin, soul brother!

Mike Teavee: Why is everything here completely pointless?
Charlie Bucket: Candy doesn't have to have a point. That's why it's candy.

Willy Wonka: Everything in this room is *eat*able. Even I'm *eat*able. But that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

Violet Beauregarde: Are they real people?
Willy Wonka: Of course they're real people. They're Oompa Loompas.
Mr. Salt: Oompa Loompas?
Willy Wonka: Imported. Straight from Loompaland.
Mr. Teavee: There's no such place.
Willy Wonka: What?
Mr. Teavee: Mr Wonka, I teach high school geography, and I'm here to tell you...
Willy Wonka: Well, then, you'll know all about it and oh what a terrible country it is.

Willy Wonka: Good morning, starshine... the earth says hello!

Willy Wonka claps enthusiastically as his special musical showpiece goes up in flames
Willy Wonka: Ha ha ha, wasn't that just magnificent? I thought it was getting a little dodgy in the middle part, but that finale... Wow!

Willy Wonka: Uh, you really shouldn't mumble, because I can't understand a word you're saying.

Mike Teavee: Just put me back in the other way.
Willy Wonka: There is no other way. It's television - not telephone, quite a difference.

Mrs. Gloop: Where does that pipe go?
Willy Wonka: That pipe happens to go to the room where I make the most delicious kind of strawberry-flavoured chocolate-coated fudge.
Mrs. Gloop: Then he will be turned into strawberry-flavoured chocolate-coated fudge? They'll be selling him by the pound all over the world?!
Willy Wonka: No, I wouldn't allow it. The taste would be terrible. Can you imagine Augustus-flavoured chocolate-coated Gloop? Ew. No one would buy it.

Willy Wonka: My name is Willy Wonka.
Veruca Salt: Then shouldn't you be up there?
Willy Wonka: Well, I couldn't very well watch the show from up there, now, could I, little girl?

Willy Wonka: Let's boogie.

Willy Wonka: Ha ha ha ha. You're really weird.

October 08, 2005

25 Years Strong

Happy 25th Anniversary, Uncle Ren and Aunt Judy!!!!

Here are all of the pictures. :-)


Jessica and I went to Aamodt's Apple Orchard today. It was crazy. There were oddles of people. The hay ride had no hay, was only two minutes long and cost $2. We didn't go on it...
I got some Honeycrisp apples for apple crisp and some apple bread - I'm excited to try the bread!!!

Marcus is home!!!! YAY! Let the fun begin.

31 days to wait for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. :-)
"Ha ha ha, wasn't that just magnificent? I thought it was getting a little dodgy in the middle part, but that finale... Wow."

October 07, 2005

The Parrot

The Parrot food is good...Kat, Jenni and I had some tonight! :-D
Our waiter was a blast. When I asked for my enchilada to be warmed up he thot I was asking him to eat it for me!!!! Latern when I asked for extra chocolate on my fried ice cream, he thot I wanted an extra taco...hehe! It was great.

October 05, 2005

Sad Bouncer

I was at Cub.
In walked this guy.
(Kristina thinks I should end the story here.)
He reminded me of this guy in a movie.
He was wearing a 'Bouncer' sweatshirt from Steve & Barry's.
He looked so weary and sad and worn out.
I smiled at him.
He looked surprised that I would do that.
This is my story - and I'm sticking to it!

Russie's are here.
Keith is here.
Supper is served.

October 04, 2005

Welcome Home

Well, the day we have long been waiting for has arrived: Keith is home!
I just picked him up from the bus stop at Northtown. Ya shoulda heard mom on the phone when I called her at Oma's to tell her I was on my way to pick up Keith!!!! :-) And then, due to silly people not being off thier cell phones when I called, Kristina, Aunt Judy and Katie were the first ones to get to talk to him - had to scrap mom's jaw off the floor when I told her that one, too!
Keith is off trying to find the clothes he left here so he can change - all his luggage was lost in Cincinatti.
You can bet that soon, maybe Friday, we will be having a welcome home party for Keith!!! More details on that later...
WOO HOO!!!!!

October 03, 2005


My cousin Kristina cracks me up - read her blog!

Chocolate Charlie

'Charlie' is a good name. It means...Manly. Huh. It's a German name. My cow's name is Charlie.
There are 36 days until Charlie and the Chocolate factory is released on DVD!!!!! YAY!
I love this movie, as I have written elsewhere. And it doesn't help the movie at all that Johnny Depp is Willy Wonka! He rocks!

Charlie & the Chocolate Factory!!!!, originally uploaded by Kanido.
Two my favorite quotes are:
Good morning, starshine... the earth says hello! Willy Wonka
A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men. Willy Wonka
...among others...

Fall Colors

Ah. The colors of fall. How quickly they come.
...and how quickly winter follows them. sigh.

October 02, 2005

Applesauce Time

Applesauce Step 6, originally uploaded by Kanido.

Oh, the sweet sweet smell of fresh, warm, homemade applesauce. Makes me hungry thinking about it! We will have to make some more soon.

Memory Lane

Ah. Walks down Memory Lane can be fun.
Check out a small sample of my recent ones at Flickr.

Blogging Madness

dilbert 10-2-2005
Originally uploaded by Kanido.
A good reason to not let any of your co-workers in on the fact that you have a blog...and especially not your boss.

The Greatest Game

So, I don't like golf - but last night I went to see The Greatest Game Ever Played. The movie really got going when Francis Oiumet's caddy for the U.S. Open showed up - Eddie. He totally makes the movie!!! He had tons of funny lines like, "Read it, roll it, hole it."
As we were leaving the movie everyone got a pass to see another one for free! That was awesome!!

October 01, 2005

Wax Apple Crisp

I am at Russie's - Katie made apple crisp! It just came out of the oven, so now we get to enjoy it and then go home to bed...
R080 was 'waxing poetic' as Katie called it. He decided he needed to wax his eyebrows and pointed out what he was saying was prose, not poetry, so he was really waxing pro's!