March 31, 2006


My mind is blank. I know there are tons if things I want to write about, but I cannot think of them...

I have pictures from Janet's birthday party at Old Spaghetti Factory last night!! They will be on Flickr sometime this weekend. It was a great night! Funny things happened, but I don't have the patience to write about them.

Katie's wedding plans are coming along nicely! I think pretty much everything is set (the big things at least!) and there are just the small details to take care of...and get dress alterations. Ugh! Which means... shoe shopping. Bleck. I thot I had my shoes already, but maybe not....

Happy Birthday, Janet!!!!!!!! ;-)

March 30, 2006


try reading this

Try to read this. I'm sure you can....

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too.
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

March 29, 2006

What A Day...

Today at lunch I discovered that the bread I'd brought for making a pbj sandwich was...moldy. It was fine last night! What went wrong? Bummer.

Tonight I had a blast with Gretchen, Hailey, and Ezra! Pictures will follow...maybe tomorrow!

March 28, 2006


The sun was beaming today on my way home...

So, I took some pictures (of course). While I was driving. Unintentionally speeding.


Kristina got some hairs cut!
Tragically short....and tragically awesome.

Marcus got home safe, too!
(As did Aunt Judy and Uncle Ren...from Hawaii! We got to see pictuers!)

March 26, 2006

Girl Scout Cookies

I thankfully never got around to ordering any Girl Scout cookies this year...

March 24, 2006

I had a Dream...

As some people know, I was all mad last week cuz I had this picture CD with about...500 of my favorite pictures on, that I had no place else. And one of my nightmares came true: I popped the CD in the drive to pull a couple pictures off didn't work! Since I have been having problems with my CD-ROM I brought the disk to work, hoping it would play there and I could re-create the disk and save all my photos. It didn't work in the four computers I tried at work, either! UGH.

Enter my next dream about the fate of this disk: I have this awesome program (thanks Dan!!) that recovers photos from memory cards and such...I got it last year when I accidently FORMATTED my memory card - after a full day at the beach with...Hailey (and my family and Lukas' and Russies). I was crushed. I'd gotten a couple good ones of Kat and tons of adorable ones of Hailey (but, what pictures of Hailey aren't adorable??) and they were all gone. I was to the point of tears. Stupid, maybe, but it was a stupid mistake for me and I didn't feel like being happy about loosing all those pictures!

Back to the dream....I dreamed I recovered all of my photos of the messed up CD.

And guess what?

They are ALL copying to my computer as I type. All 500 of them! YAY!!!!

Update: 99.999% of the pictures are safe and sound - only one was too small to see, but I think I can handle the loss...can't even tell what it was s'posed to be!

March 23, 2006

It’s Getting Closer!

Here’s the poster for a movie I will definitely be seeing the day it opens in theaters!
(Anyone wanna join me?)

March 22, 2006

On Target?

I wasn’t hungry for what I’d brought for lunch, so I skipped the office and headed to the nearest Target. I was bored. I didn’t want to spend money, I had nothing to shop for, but yet I went. And spent money. On food. Very nummy food! I found a bag of Old Dutch Puffcorn - haven’t had that in years! YAY!!!!! And I got a taste for some strawberry ice cream with hot fudge. Mmmmm. Maybe not the healthiest lunch I’ve ever eaten, but I sure enjoyed it!!!

Learning to Forgive

As I was driving to work this morning, I was thinking about some of the things that happened last summer and over Christmas, and I felt like God was telling me to forgive…it is high time! It’s like I was holding a grudge against someone and I needed to let it go, drop the childness of it all. After all, I was only hurt in a round-about way by the events. And the people I was mad at were really only part of the problem - but I’d already forgiven the others involved.
So, you don’t know who you are, you probably could never figure out how you hurt me, and you don’t even know this blog exists, but I forgive you for how you hurt me and please forgive me for holding on to my anger at you for so long.

March 15, 2006


Dad, Mom and I went to Lee Ann Chin's tonight.

My fortune:

Reality is for people
who lack imagination.

March 14, 2006


Same spot, different look.
It's amazing how some snow can change the looks of things!
More pictures here.

After the Storm

It's sooooo nice out today! So nice that I'm taking the rest
of the day off to go to Banfill again to see the sights!

March 13, 2006

Oh, Goodness

I made butter tonight!! Mmmmmm, NUM!

Here Comes Winter...Again

The drive to work was not fun. Or easy. It was a tense 65 minutes.
But how nice it was to actually get there in one piece, despite the best
efforts of people who should not have been on the roads today.

March 12, 2006


I like this. It's the current banner thing-a-mabob on Kristina's blog:

When God throws a curveball, don't duck.
You might just miss something.

Who Are You?

This morning I was greatly startled to be woken up at 2:15 by a call from 704-765-4267. There was no one there and all I could find out about the number (without paying $14.95) was that it's from Davidson, NC. I don't know anyone there! I was extremely irritated, but not so bad that I didn't fall right back to sleep...yawn. Goodnight. I mean, goodmorning! I get to watch Hailey and Ezra this morning!!!

March 10, 2006

Back to Banfill

Mom and I went to Banfill after I got off work. Yay! What a nice day.
Here are some pictures. The rest are at Flickr.

Dad was complaining about the bug in the electric
workings of our new water softener...a spider!


The sunrise was so...awesome this morning! I wish I had brought my camera to work (like I had thot about before I left) and had time to stop at the park before I went to work to take some pictures. Jen saw it, too!

(Like I told mom...if you think the pictures make the sunrise look nice...they look like poop compared to the real deal.)

March 04, 2006

Madam Blueberry

(I'm so blue-oo-oo, blue-oo-oo, blue-oo-oo-ooo! I'm so blue, I don't know what to do!)

Tonight after church Janet and I went to the Uptown Diner for a good talk and Janet received an extra-special surprise in her Uptown Burger: A Blueberry!!!! (Yikes!) We laughed...

March 03, 2006

Golden Times

Kristina had a surprise Golden Birthday party for Josiah tonight!
Here are some of the pix, the rest will be on Flickr tomorrow.

Josiah acting surprised.

Watching the gift openings.

Getting what he asked for - Nothing!

(and a few other things!)

I Never Read Dr. Seuss

Which Dr. Seuss character are you?

You are Marvin K. Mooney!
Take this quiz!

March 02, 2006


Here are some of the pictures taken while the oven
was on fire at Lukas' a few nights ago!!!

The SnoCone is Ezra quietly sleeping...for now!Which color should I use?
What should I do now?
Slumber before the awakening!
Ez and Hailey after Ez was woke up...

A Good Night

Tonight I am celebrating!! American Idol is on, and boy is it going well! Lisa and Melissa are here for another week and Brenna is FINALLY GONE!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO! She drove me up the wall. She bugged me. Grrr. I was rooting for her to leave last week! And it has happened! Yay!!!!!!
And all my favorite guys are safe! Elliott, Will, Gedeon, and Kevin are staying! Tho Kevin was in the bottom 3. Sway was sent home, which was sad. David is gone this week, too! He bugged me almost as much as Brenna did.
And to top the night off at the beginning of the show Carrie Underwood, the Idol winner from last year, sang her current single 'Jesus Take the Wheel'....yay!!!!
American Idol is done for the week, goodnight!