March 24, 2006

I had a Dream...

As some people know, I was all mad last week cuz I had this picture CD with about...500 of my favorite pictures on, that I had no place else. And one of my nightmares came true: I popped the CD in the drive to pull a couple pictures off didn't work! Since I have been having problems with my CD-ROM I brought the disk to work, hoping it would play there and I could re-create the disk and save all my photos. It didn't work in the four computers I tried at work, either! UGH.

Enter my next dream about the fate of this disk: I have this awesome program (thanks Dan!!) that recovers photos from memory cards and such...I got it last year when I accidently FORMATTED my memory card - after a full day at the beach with...Hailey (and my family and Lukas' and Russies). I was crushed. I'd gotten a couple good ones of Kat and tons of adorable ones of Hailey (but, what pictures of Hailey aren't adorable??) and they were all gone. I was to the point of tears. Stupid, maybe, but it was a stupid mistake for me and I didn't feel like being happy about loosing all those pictures!

Back to the dream....I dreamed I recovered all of my photos of the messed up CD.

And guess what?

They are ALL copying to my computer as I type. All 500 of them! YAY!!!!

Update: 99.999% of the pictures are safe and sound - only one was too small to see, but I think I can handle the loss...can't even tell what it was s'posed to be!

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