Moving. Away from my parents. For the first time. Ever. I knew this day would come, but I didn't figure on it coming so quick (in this way). I always figured I'd live with my parents 'til I got married. Not like that's gonna happen anytime soon. And I have been talking about moving out for some time. When it comes right down to it, tho, I have it extremely posh here. (I do need to grow up sometime...)
December is coming very quickly, people! What to do, what to do?!? I think I will go stick my head in the sand like an ostrich...(j/k)
(here's where the rant begins:)
Cons: Not seeing Dad every day. Or him waving good bye every morning. Sigh. And...rent will more than double what I'm paying now, plus utilities. And parking probably on the street...in the winter. Cancelling internet and paying the early cancelation fee (yuk). Double the drive time to work, and higher gas prices.
Pros: I grow up. Have to become more responsible. Get out of mom & dad's house. Learning to live with some besides mom & dad...and stopping acting like an only child. (I may have a younger brother, but haven't seen or heard from him in almost a year and not like we ever really saw him before that, either...but that's a whole 'nother story.)
In the long run, the move will probably do me more good than staying where I am, but still...I hate change. And I like being alone. Most of the time. And I like the short drive to work. And...
~end of rant~
So, when you think about it, please pray that Jesus shows me what He has for me in this, and that I make the right decision. This week. (!) And that I know FOR SURE. Some undeniable thing that will get my attention.
I'm hungry. 7:30 is a long way off. I get to meet Jen at the 50's Grill! Yay! I'm excited! Time for an afternoon snack...
I been feeling like this lately...
1 comment:
I know God can show you exactly what He wants for you! I started a new job. Why? Because God led me. I worked my last job for 12 years. I had seniority, and indoor parking spot, and life was going along fairly smooth. One day I just had a restless feeling and so I told God if He wanted me to move into another job, He would have to do it. A friend was starting up a new business. She asked me a few questions and I helped her out the best I could. I wasn't looking, mind you. Then one day this friend asked if I would work for her. At first I said "no". Then I told God if He wanted me to move to this new job, He's have to make me so excited about it that I couldn't stand it. I also said I needed to make more money. I visited this new place and got excited. This friend offered me $10 thousand more a year. WOW! So I told God I'd need an "old junker" to drive to work as I would have to part out in the elements, winter and summer. My dear hubby drove to Vegas. On the way, in Ogdon, Utah, he went around a curve and there was a Mystique, in perfect condition with only 26,000 miles for $4,000. My dear hubby called the # on the sign and bought the car on the spot. I did tell the Lord this "old junker" had to be cheap. God does supply! How gracious He is! Then this friend asked if I would be the top employee and offered $15,000 more a year. Obviously I've been on the job for 2 months and I haven't looke back! God blesses and keeps His children!
Kandi, I love you! God's blessings in whatever you decide. God will let you know or even move you out. Just watch out! God gives us exciting times!!
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