February 09, 2007


- When I got to work this morning I was told to watch for the ambulance. A trucker had slipped on the ice in back and hurt his back pretty bad. The police came and everything. It wore people out. This was all by 7:30am. The trucker is resting at a hotel and will be fine...he called later in the day.
- I lost my desk today. Literally. The main office is getting new carpet over the weekend and they had to disassemble everything! I will have pictures on Flickr later.
- A customer called from TN today. He always asks me about the weather. I told 'We are having a heat wave. It's 9 degrees! He laughed.
- It is now 28 degrees. Time to break out the shorts!
- A cell phone was delivered to our office just before I left (early!). It looks like the batmobile kinda. It came with no battery or screen, and had obviously been dropped several times. No one knows who it belongs to.
- I went to a different Walmart and found the frame I wanted for a picture going up tomorrow. Yay! The more I looked at the one I had, the less I liked it. Ick. But, I'm happy now!!
- It's Friday. I don't have to work for 2 whole days!
- Mom is vacuuming and I don't know why.
- Tomorrow I get to go out with Jen for lunch. This is wonderful!
- It is nice and sunny out.
- I'm hungry. I don't think I got lunch...I will have to go eat now.
- The other day, Dad had chores, and his little friend wanted him to play on Saturday, so the friend came over a couple nights ago to help with chores, which was the only way Mom would let Dad play with him on Saturday. I never see Dad on Saturdays anymore. It's sad.
- I am finally warm - since Monday I've been cold.
- Last week while playing games with some people (I promised their names would not be released) the following conversation ensued while playing 28 hands of Care Bear Uno. You will probably not get much of it if you do not know me and these people well...
Person 2: Yup.
Person 1: Are you sure?
Person 2: Both sides.
Person 3: ~laughs~
Person 1: (incredulously) Did you check?
Person 3: ~still laughing~
Person 2: No. Should I? ~pause~ (sniff sniff) Yup, both sides.
Person 1: ~groans~
Person 3: ~laughs the whole time~
Person 2 (to person 3): You learned that from me.
Person 1: Talking about pits?
Person 2: No. Being sure.
Person 3: ~still laughing~

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