June 29, 2006

Wheeling Around

Today They were digging up our nice newly paved road again. And the Caterpillars where doing wheelies!! Wish I'd had my camera today......

June 28, 2006


Count every " F" in the following text:

WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke.

The brain cannot process "OF".

Incredible or what?
Anyone who counts all 6 "F's" on the first go is a genius (or has seen this before!)

I regularly spell like this just cuz my fingers can't keep up with my brain:
Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.

Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! If you can raed tihs psas it on!!
(Thank God for Spell Check!!!)

June 27, 2006



June 26, 2006


Do you know how sad it is to get your car washed and go to the library where they've just finished making the parking lot stinkin' dusty???????

Off to Katie's soon for a Girl's Night! YAY!!!!!!!

My iPod is getting happy - I just got 10 new CD's to add!

Chow. (mmmmm. I'm hungry!)

Looking For Me @ Work?

I *love* it when I get a message that 'some lady just called for you. She
sounded about our age and very pleasant and friendly. Didn't leave a name, said
she'd call back' and then NO ONE EVER CALLS BACK!! It drives me MAD (which
isn't too hard anymore)! It's a short, fast road to crashing in
incomprehensible gibberish - and I'm pretty much already there, as of....7 this

Sigh. Thank you for putting up with my rant! You can leave your name when you
call and I for some odd and unforseeable reason (aka: lunch !) do not answer
the phone. I also usually turn on my cell at lunch time (unless I carelessly
forget it at home, which has happened....one time.)

Well, back to the mind bending task of de-coding technical terms and turning
them into the correct, easily understood language!! (yay!)

PS - We here are not holding our breath (some quit when they turned purple),
tho many fingers are crossed, that I get my new computer today!!!!!!!!!!!

June 24, 2006

Too Much

You can make the Dough Boy dance!!!

As Jenni would say, "CRAZINESS!"

June 22, 2006


Today I am playing hooky from the responsibility of life with Janet and we are trekking up to Stillwater for a wonderful Spur-of-the-Moment (for me, anyway!!) Day Off!!

June 21, 2006

Colored Folks

How about this for some facts, Huh???

Colored Folks

(This was written by a black man in Texas.
What a great sense of humor and creativity!!! )

When I born, I
when I grow up, I black,
when I go in sun, I black,
when I cold, I
when I scared, I black,
when I sick, I
and when I die, I still black.

You white folks...

when you born, you pink,
when you grow up, you
when you go in sun, you
when you cold, you
when you scared, you yellow,
when you sick, you green,
when you bruised, you purple,
and when you die, you gray.
So, who you callin'
colored folks ?

June 20, 2006

Thanks for Praying

Dad called a little while ago and the techs who took the MRI last night took the wrong ones, so he's back there today.

BUT! The Doc said Dad should be able to drive and go back to work tomorrow, and can't lift over 10lbs. So that's great! It sounds like his back maybe isn't broken bad enough to completely keep him from working.

Dad has decided they will not be going to Camp on Friday...

So, that's the scoop!! Thanks for praying last night!

Smooth Ride

Came into work to day and got a wonderful surprise!

‘They’ had put down a layer of pavement!!!

It made me want to drive crooked and do donuts and such - not that I really
would, or ever have! Mmmmm! I was ecstatic! The wonderfulness of it all
reminded me of Cars when Lightening had finished re-paving the road that he
tore up in Radiator Springs and all the other cars got out and were having a
ball on the new road. It was just one big par-tay! Mmm-hmm.

Now, if only they could decide if they want to keep the road paved!
There are
more holes everywhere!

June 18, 2006


Janet had a bonfire last night after church. Katie & Marcus, Travis, Nate, Rob & Kristina, Jordan, Stephanie, Bram, Reece and Heather were all there. It was great fun! Stayed til almost 2am. Fun! Here are some pix.

June 17, 2006

More Memories

We were excited about something....
maybe that the play was over and we could get out of the costumes?
It was probably more like our halos were on crooked
and we were conniving about something...we did that alot!

Kristina was the cutest Lamb ever!

On our Perch...the High Heavens
(aka: really tall ladders with white sheets draped over them!)

June 16, 2006

Just Chillin'

Jen and I had supper together tonight. Yay! It's been a long time since we have gotten together. Jen picked me up at 7 and we drove to Potbelly and then we ran (getting kinda wet) to Starbucks to get Jen a coffee, and stayed there talking til we were told they were closing in 2 minutes! Then we sat in the car and talked for a while more. About important stuff, funny stuff, crazy stuff...
So, now I must go to bed and get rested up for the bonfire tomorrow night. Yay! (Which sounds really odd coming from me!)

Road Work Day 2

Dig Holes and Haul Away the Dirt

Fill the Holes Back Up Again

Watering the Dirt

Dusty Ride Home

Can you tell? I have nothing to do at work but watch all the people working on the road outside my window. And take pictures!!! Today, after all the smoothing out they did yesterday morning, huge, deep holes were dug up in the road all over the place. The kind that you would literally loose a car in. Especially the Plant Manager's new car. (The 2007 Saturn Sky!)

So, even tho I do have a much needed program on this computer, I don't have all programs, and some are just the trial versions, so I can't do anything but open some files. And, I got finished the 2 whole things I had to do today by 8. Sigh. Where it's nice to be paid to sit around and do whatever, I have stuff to do at home, and I haven't had anything to do since before my computer (at work) crashed...over a month ago. We are hoping that my new one comes in by the end of this month....but don't hold your breath!

Sunday is Father's Day. What fun! I am grilling steak, potatoes and onions for Dad. It's what he wants! Well....we have this meal every Father's Day. Num!!!! (Tho, 2004 would be the first time I actually did the grilling. Usually Dad did that...)

Missin' Keith. Still haven't heard anything from him. (It is rumored that he is back in Nashville.) I have to admit, I don't expect to ever hear from or see him again. Maybe I'm just pessimistic about it, but I really wouldn't be surprised if he never came around again. And if he did come back to MN for whatever reason, he wouldn't try to see us. :-(

Tonight I want to try getting an (orange) iBlaster Orb to bring to work so I can play my iPod. That would be really cool!
I also found....Pillow Speakers. HEE! I'd get the lime green one if I got any of them, but that's just funny to me that there are pillows to hook an iPod to for listening!!!

June 15, 2006


Road Work!

Drove to work today and got a huge surprise!
Overnight 'they' had tore up the road and filled
it up with huge trucks, preventing everyone
from arriving at work on time. What fun.
It will be wonderful to have a new road there, now, tho.
No more jarred bones!

June 14, 2006

Hailey at the Park

Had fun last night at the park with Gretchen, Hailey and Ezra!
Here are some pictures. The rest are here.

Hailey decided that she wanted to stay at the park overnight and sleep!

Crazy Hair