Can you tell? I have nothing to do at work but watch all the people working on the road outside my window. And take pictures!!! Today, after all the smoothing out they did yesterday morning, huge, deep holes were dug up in the road all over the place. The kind that you would literally loose a car in. Especially the Plant Manager's new car. (The 2007 Saturn Sky!)
So, even tho I do have a much needed program on this computer, I don't have all programs, and some are just the trial versions, so I can't do anything but open some files. And, I got finished the 2 whole things I had to do today by 8. Sigh. Where it's nice to be paid to sit around and do whatever, I have stuff to do at home, and I haven't had anything to do since before my computer (at work) crashed...over a month ago. We are hoping that my new one comes in by the end of this month....but don't hold your breath!
Sunday is Father's Day. What fun! I am grilling steak, potatoes and onions for Dad. It's what he wants! Well....we have this meal every Father's Day. Num!!!! (Tho, 2004 would be the first time I actually did the grilling. Usually Dad did that...)
Missin' Keith. Still haven't heard anything from him. (It is rumored that he is back in Nashville.) I have to admit, I don't expect to ever hear from or see him again. Maybe I'm just pessimistic about it, but I really wouldn't be surprised if he never came around again. And if he did come back to MN for whatever reason, he wouldn't try to see us. :-(
Tonight I want to try getting an (orange) iBlaster Orb to bring to work so I can play my iPod. That would be really cool!
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