Tips For When You Find it Necessary to Drive Thru Indiana...
Ø Never, I repeat NEVER! trust a toll booth person's directions to getting off the toll way and finding a gas station without having to pay tolls again.
Ø Never stop in Gary, IN.
Ø Make sure your gas tank is full before entering.
Ø Don't drink anything, bathrooms are hard to find!
Ø If you should need to stop, plan on losing at least an hour trying to find a gas station and bathroom. Then another hour to find your way back to the toll way.
Ø Have plenty of loose change on hand for paying all the tolls getting on and off the toll way.
Ø If you get lost, go to Cline and 169th St and stop at the Live Gospel McDonalds (but don't be hankering for McDonaldLand cookies, they don't have them). If you want to hear the 'Live Gospel' go to the bathroom! That's where the gospel music is.
Ø Per our favorite Indiana boy, do not judge all of Indiana by troubles in Gary.
10 Ways to Ruin Your Trip to Grand Rapids to See Kristina
1. Stop in Gary, IN
2. Try to buy gas in Gary, IN
3. Tollbooth directions for Gary, IN
4. Drivers from Gary, IN
5. Drivers in Gary, IN
6. All the tollbooths in Gary, IN
7. Unmarked roads in Gary, IN
8. Badly marked roads everywhere we had to go.
9. Take the wrong highway in Chicago
10. Almost get killed in Chicago by a government vehicle (with no flashing light or anything)
***(Thankfully, these all happened on our way back home! And they did not really ruin our trip to see Kristina, just the trip home to our beds...)***
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