February 14, 2006


Oh! What a day! Been working on the price mailing and special pricing all day…They are both nearing completion!! Jack didn’t come in today, so I had some stapling to do in the back to get the books ready for our sales reps and to be mailed this week for all our distributors who are on our mailing list. (I am not sick. I am NOT sick!) Got a pin-sized prick on my finger that was bleeding pretty bad…don’t know where it came from, or how long I had it til I discovered it. I also have this raised red blob on my arm - it doesn’t hurt or itch, it’s just…there. Sigh. I have so many injuries that I have no idea where they come from…it’s craziness (as Jenni would say!). Maybe I beat myself up in my sleep? Who knows…

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