And don't say "TMI!" if you happen to read this whole post - you were warned, and it's your own fault you got TMI.
I have carrots in my sinuses. How, you ask? Let me tell you...I'll start from the beginning (but not the way beginning when God created Heaven and Earth).
It all started Sunday, when I went to Lukas's for Kendra's wedding shower. (or maybe it started earlier Sunday morning at Erickson's) Dan was sick. Yuk. Had fun at the party, tho! Haven't seen or heard from Kendra in forever! (and if you are reading this, Kendra...I lost your email address when my other computer crashed - can you please send it to me again?) See all the pictures here!
Moving on to Monday (and the rest of my story!) I went back to Lukas' since Tuesday is Halloween, and the kids will be out trick'r'treating. Gretchen is by now sick and Dan is better. Dan is outside with the Tree Cutting Guy. I am inside with Gretchen, Hailey and Ezra. Gretch is running around somewhere and the kids and I are at the window watching the guys outside. I turn around and see these trails of brown things that look like leaves and ask Hailey, "Why are there leaves in the living room?" (and all over the white carpet??) When I bend down for a closer look I realize that the spots aren't leaves...Ez has been drinking tons of chocolate soy milk. (Jen knows the implications of this!!) So, Ez gets a bat and the carpet gets cleaned and the night continues, with one funny thing after another happening! (I won't go into them here, tho!)
Fastforward to this morning...I start feeling woozy about 9:30 and decide by 12 that when Mel gets back from lunch I will be going home and sleeping...but I didn't end up leaving until 3:45, the usual time I leave...mostly because I was in the bathroom throwing up the 5 carrots and one piece of bread I'd eaten - very hard...I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
I can't stand the sight of carrots right now. And everything smells bad.
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