Since my car accident the Progressive people have been calling me almost every day with mundane updates about the car repairs. And once in awhile Schoonover has called with updates as well. This is too much! But, Schoonover in Stillwater (where my car is being fixed!) called today saying repairs are moving along better than they thot, and my car should be ready for me to pick up Friday afternoon! How cool is that? Then I'll get to drive to Smitty's concert instead of having to pay for parking. Until then, I drive a red PT Cruiser, which is alright, but is starting to sound funny when I drive and has been trouble starting. I had to exchange the Mazda 3 I had a t first because a wheel bearing or something was going bad so that car was unsafe to drive (as some would say: especially since I'm the driver!!) and now the second rental car is starting to be weird. GAA. I'm anxious for MY car to be back. I miss it. Sigh.

Well, off to make some wonderfully meat free veggie full original pad thai to eat with the tangerine strawberry Crystal Light punch I made last night. YAY!!! And I get to see Jen and Bob and Jack and Sammy tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I got Newsboys new CD, Go today! And It's a Wonderful Life on DVD! And Celtic Woman's Christmas CD! Life is extremely GOOD. :-)
Isaiah 41:13
I am the LORD your God.
I am holding your hand,
so don't be afraid.
I am here to help you.
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