Here is what has happened this month so far:
Boating Outreach!
So much fun! Got to hang out with Angela, and Aunt Judy and Kristina! Got sunburnt bad cuz I didn't put sunscreen on right away (big mistake. won't happen again!).
For Mark...
So, I was un-busy at work July 3rd and had these ketchup packets that had goofy sayings on them. And to be funny, I thot I'd dedicate the pictures to Mark, who greatly dislikes ketchup!
Katie's Birthday, which I wrote about before.
Central Park: The plan was, eat and play volley ball, but the later didn't work out, so we went to...
Lexington Park...for soccer! Got some great pictures of Jenni and Janet kicking the volley ball around.
Then, there was the last game of the World Cup that we watched at Katie & Marcus'.
After which we went to the Sculpture Gardens and Loring Park!
Kristina had a wonderful Dress-Up meal and fed 25 hungry people lasagna!
Then the next night, Kris and I were at Lukas' for a while.
Last Friday I spent pretty much all afternoon cleanig up a papasan cushion that I got out of a dumpster (to get rid of germs!) and cover up (which will be interesting to figure out!). Got some alright shots of some of Mom's Flowers, too.
Tomorrow is Dad and Aunt Donna's birthday!!
And I am using my Cars pen from Jenni! :-)
If you want any of the pictures, you can click on the 'All Sizes' link above the picture and download it.
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