There once was a pretty Little Gingerbread House on the edge of town.
With a snowman in front, little christmas trees surrounding the house, little jewels lining the walkway and roof, and a candy cane lamp post, The Little Gingerbread House was a happy, festive house, and there was always Someone stopping to gaze at it with stars in their eyes, wishing it was their home.
Even though there were visitors day after day, nights were very lonely after the visitors went home for the night. The Little Gingerbread House had no Family. There were not even other Houses close by for it to visit with during the long winter nights.
Then one day, something wonderful happened! A small Family moved into The Little Gingerbread House, and soon there were merry puffs of smoke coming out of the chimney.
For a very long time, the Family stayed in the Little Gingerbread House (who was very happy indeed, and not lonely at all during the night).
Then one day, disaster struck! The chinmey fell off of The Little Gingerbread House, blocking the chimney flue and not allowing the smoke to escape.
Soon, the smoke began pouring out of the roof of The Little Gingerbread House, it had no other place to go. All the pressure from the smoke made some trees fall over, and the Family had to break down the door to get to safety. This made The Little Gingerbread House sad, because the Family no longer wanted to live in it.
As time went by, the lonely Little Gingerbread House fell into disrepair since no Family took care of it, and people stopped coming by to admire it.
Soon, The Little Gingerbread House looked so bad that a strong North Wind was able to blow it over!
Now The Little Gingerbread House could not be fixed, so the Townspeople decided to tear it down.
First went the walls of The Little Gingerbread House, with everything else torn down and strewn through the yard.
The Little Gingerbread House was so sad. It soon would not exsist.

The Townspeople had done what they could. Now, it was The Tapper's turn at The Little Gingerbread House. It would tap at the rest of The Little Gingerbread House to make pieces small enought to carry away to The Destroyer.
Slowly, The Tapper took all the jewels from The Little Gingerbread House to be sent Somewhere Else.
By the time The Tapper was done, The Little Gingerbread House was nothing more than a pile of rubble.
The Little Gingerbread House was ready to be sent to The Destroyer.
The Destroyer scared The Little Gingerbread House. It had heard tales from other houses of what happened to houses unfortunate enough to be sent away.
Well, you can see for yourself what happens to The Little Gingerbread House:
Then one day, something wonderful happened! A small Family moved into The Little Gingerbread House, and soon there were merry puffs of smoke coming out of the chimney.
The End.
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