Last weekend Marcus picked up a boyfriend for me while he, Katie and Jenni were shopping in
Name: Erik Peter Bleumon.
He's cold and slimy.
6.75" at full height.
Jessica said he is beautiful. But Pastor John was grossed out by him. (there's a whole 'nother story behind Jess thinking Erik's beautiful...but we'll leave that for some other time!)
He's way short. I can sit and still be taller than him - when he's standing on the chair!!
He's too quiet - never says a word. Not even "Hi!"
He is very dependant on his 'girlfriend' (which I guess would be me...)
Some of the girls really liked that he has muscles...but his legs don't work, so I have to carry him everywhere (see what I mean about being too dependant?)
He fits in my teeny purse.
One major difficulty is that he doesn't breath.

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