"...Grandma." So says Benny from The Bugs. The Bugs crack me up. My favorite 'episode' (?) is the Snowman Kickers, where Benny built a snowman and someone knocked it down and Bernie gives Benny advice on how (or rather where) to rebuild his Snowman. There are only 3 characters that I've ever heard: Bernie and Benny Bug (brothers) and Bradley (their cousin). Maybe Roger (Benny's friend) is in there sometimes - I currently forget. You would like to feel badly for Bradley, but Bradley's so bratty to Benny that he retaliates and Bernie has to make peace between the two. (As when Benny puts Bradley's gum in the fish tank cuz Bradley hit him with a water balloon when they where on 'time-out'.
Sorry, I am stir crazy right now waiting, waiting...always waiting.
I am waiting today for a couple pictures so I can finish a brochure and check another project off my Needed-Last-Month list. Yay! I am having patience issues about the needed pictures this week...but Jim is having patience issues getting the (correct) labels he needs to actually take the pictures, so we are waiting together...doing other stuff to fill our days until patience is needed no longer and we can celebrate the end of another large project and life can get back to normal.
I will stop now and find some other work to do!!
No, Roger is never in them. It's just the two, sometimes three. MY favorite 'episode' is when Benny gets a note from the cousins he hates so much thanking him for a fun time when they stayed at their house. It says something about Benny going to their place, and he's like "Don't hold your breath!" I just love it cuz I never thought the bugs could be so sarcastic! That one is funny. Oh yeah and the one where Bernie gets sick and talks really really funny. We don't have that one on tape anymore though. :(
Where are these and how can I get them?! Listened to them as a kid but couldn't remember what they were called or who produced them, and I've been searching :)
Where are these and how can I get them?! Listened to them as a kid but couldn't remember what they were called or who produced them, and I've been searching :)
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